Amazon Easy Ship

Shipping made fast, affordable and easy.

What is Amazon Easy Ship?

Amazon Easy Ship is a fast, affordable and easy delivery service for Amazon sellers.

When you choose Amazon Easy Ship, your Amazon orders are picked up from an eligible Australian location and delivered to your customer’s doorstep. In turn, your customer will get, reliable and 100% trackable deliveries.

Starting as low as AUD $4.10 per package (excl. GST), Amazon Easy Ship has a competitive rate card based on the package’s weight bands, your pick up location and the delivery location. For more information please visit the Fee Schedule Help Page in Seller Central.

Amazon Easy Ship fee consignment

Maximum consignment weight (kg)
Zone A
Zone B
Zone C
Less than or equal to 0.5
Less than or equal to 1
Less than or equal to 3
Less than or equal to 5
Less than or equal to 10
Less than or equal to 15
Less than or equal to 20
Less than or equal to 25
*Fees accurate as at 31 May 2023. Fees are calculated based on pickup location, consignment’s delivery location and the greater of the consignment’s cubic or actual weight. Cubic weight (also known as ‘volumetric weight’) is calculated as cubic weight (kg) = (length in cm x breadth in cm x height in cm)/4000. Unless otherwise stated, all fees are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and do not include applicable taxes, such as GST. As fees are subject to change, please check Seller Central for the most up-to-date information.

How does Amazon Easy Ship work?

Register for Amazon Easy Ship in 3 simple steps.

Step 1

Sign up for a selling account
Once you have created listings in your Amazon seller account, you can opt-in for Amazon Easy Ship in Seller Central here. Note that this service is limited to eligible postcodes and is subject to product limitations.

Step 2

Register your pickup address and preferences
Receive and schedule orders (includes a bulk option) by selecting a ‘pick up slot’. Pack and label your orders for the Amazon managed carrier to collect from your location.

Step 3

Process your orders and you’re ready to go!
You can change your pickup location and settings at anytime by clicking on ‘Amazon Easy Ship settings’ in your Account Info page.

Benefits of Amazon Easy Ship

Easy-Ship Benefits - Stress free shipping
Shipping complexity is managed by Amazon:
You can ship your products from the comfort of your own home, office or warehouse.
Easy-Ship Benefits - Pay on Delivery
Competitive rate card:
Enjoy a competitive rate card with no lock-in contract and no minimum pick-up.
Easy-Ship Benefits - Pickup from your address
Fast and reliable delivery:
With 100% valid tracking for your orders, your customers in eligible postcodes will enjoy a fast and consistent delivery experience.
Looking for more? We can also take care of packing & storage along with delivery with FBA:

Compare Programs

Amazon offers a variety of fulfilment and shipping options for different sellers. You can choose the option that best suits your business. For more information on how you can make the most out of Amazon, visit Seller University. Sellers often use a mix of different fulfilment channels, as each have different benefits. View a comparison of channels below:
Fulfilment by Amazon
Amazon Easy Ship
Self Ship
How does it work ?

Send your products to the Amazon Fufilment Centre and we take care of the rest
Store and sell your products in your own warehouse and we help you ship them
Ship your products
on Amazon
Inventory storage
Fufilment Centre
Seller Premise
Seller Premise
Packing and labelling individual orders
Completed by
Completed by
Completed by
Delivery to customers
Completed by
Completed by Amazon's
participating carriers
Completed by Seller or
it's nominated carrier
Prime badge eligibility
Message on the Product Detail Page
Ships from Amazon
Ships from Seller
Ships from Seller
Easy-Ship Benefits - Pickup from your address

Amazon Easy Ship currently only supports:

- Sellers who fulfil from a single pick-up location (not multiple warehouses)
- Pickup from your doorstep between 9am-5pm (local time)
- Minimum of 2 days Handling Time (can be changed under Shipping Settings)
You may choose to opt out from Amazon Easy Ship at any time. Your use of Amazon Easy Ship does not affect your ability to register your products in FBA.

Amazon Easy Ship (AES) Offer

Eligible sellers can receive rewards of up to $3.30 for Zone B and up to $9.60 for Zone C per consignment by using AES service for eligible orders during the Offer period.
AES Offer

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